Badger Kids Broad Spectrum SPF30

Badger Kids Broad Spectrum SPF30 (Tangerine & Vanilla) review

Quick Summary:

Date Tested: 01/26/2022 (edited 08/20/2022 – results table plugin wasn’t showing formatting correctly)

In this review, I tested the Badger kids broad spectrum SPF30 sunscreen using my UV testing station. This specific formulation is an extremely thick and viscous physical based (non-nano uncoated zinc oxide) sunscreen for kids. This particular SPF30 formula provides amazing protection, but is incredibly difficult to apply in cooler temperatures. During testing I needed to put it in the microwave to get it to about 75-80F to allow it to flow well (ambient temperature was around 60F).

As a side note, my wife hates using it on our kids because its so thick and difficult to apply (we have three kids, so difficult x3!). However, the Badger SPF30 sunscreen reduced the UVI by 99.94%, blocked 99.97% irradiance in the UVA spectrum, and 99.71% in the UVB spectrum. This is the highest scoring physical (inorganic) sunscreen I have tested to date. This could be due to the high viscosity of the sunscreen causing the sample to settle in a thicker layer when prepared on the microscope slide, but this principle should hold true when also applied to the skin (in our own experience using this on our kids, this holds true).

Overall I think it provides great UV protection but because of its difficulty in applying it, we personally don’t use it.

Badger Kids Broad Spectrum SPF30

Badger Kids SPF30 ingredients

Active ingredients: Non-Nano Uncoated zinc oxide 18.75%

Inactive ingredients:: Organic Sunflower Oil, Organic Beeswax, Organic Orange Oil, Organic Jojoba Oil, Organic Tangerine Oil, Sunflower Vitamin E, Organic Vanilla Extract & Organic Seabuckthorn Extract.

Fun Facts:
Contains 100% Natural ingredients
Contains 98% Organic ingredients

Manufacturers Website:

Badger Kids SPF30 sunscreen characteristics at a glance:

  • Broad Spectrum
  • Physical Based (non-nano uncoated Zinc Oxide 18.75%) sunscreen
  • Inorganic or physical sunscreen
  • Smells like yummy fruit (tangerine and vanilla)
  • Contains 100% Natural and 98% Organic ingredients
  • Viscosity: THICK
Badger Active for kids SPF30

Prepared slide ready for testing

Notice how minimal the dispersion and how thick the sample layer is. Below are the results from 2 hours of testing in my UV testing station.

Badger Kids SPF30 Sunscreen UV blocking test results

Badger for kids SPF30 Active review
Results from my testing of the Badger Active SPF30 for kids (tangerine and vanilla) sunscreen. The blocking ability for UVA, UVB, and UVI are shown above as percentages.

Ultraviolet light quick reference:

UVA: The Ultraviolet wavelength from 315nm – 400nm. The “Aging UV light” – Causes wrinkles.
UVB: The Ultraviolet wavelength from 280nm – 315nm. The “Bad UV light” – Causes skin cancer.
UVI: The global sun UV index. The more a sunscreen can reduce the level of UVI, the better.

Badger Kids SPF 30 Daily facial sunscreen test results:

Ultraviolet sensor readings

Before Sunscreen After Sunscreen % UV Blocked
TEMP 73.4 73.1
UVA 26650 7 99.97%
UVB 1365.5 4 99.71%
UVI 15.65 .01 99.94%

Want to know more about how I test sunscreen? Head here to read about the details.

Badger Kids SPF 30 testing notes:

This sunscreen formulation is thick, and I mean THICK. In fact I had to microwave the tube to get the sunscreen warm enough to flow well enough to create a decent enough sample. It was 60F ambient temperature so by the time it hit the microscope slide, it was already thickening and resisting the magnetic force to squish the sample between the cover slip and slide. This resulted in a thicker layer (as seen in the above photo with the prepared slide).

As such, the thicker sample layer will block more UV light from passing through to the UV sensor, yielding a better result. This is OK, as the physical properties will probably translate to applying it on skin as well. The Badger sunscreen tube has the word “Active” which is probably why its so thick. The thicker or more viscous a sunscreen is, the more resistant to wearing off it typically is. As such, this sunscreen would be a good choice when using at the beach or at a water park. Be aware that this will apply in thicker layers, and because of this will have a whiter cast on the skin.

Want to try the Badger Kids Broad Spectrum SPF30 sunscreen?

Rating: 4 out of 5.

This sunscreen will protect your skin extremely effectively. It comes at a cost as it is difficult to apply to the skin in cooler weather. However, its UV protection and ability to remain protective during high physical activity is something to keep in mind. So far, it is my highest scoring sunscreen to date, but this could be due to the thicker sample layer (compared to other sunscreen). 4 stars because its a pain to apply.

Disclosure: the Amazon link shown is the only affiliate link I am sharing on this post. I will earn a commission if you click on the amazon listed product link and place an order (at no cost to you). I do not collect any personally identifying information. Every little bit helps to keep this site up and running, I do appreciate it!

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